Fasting Hiking in Bonn

Fasten und Wandern: die ideale Kombination um dem Körper, dem Geist und der Seele eine richtige Auszeit zu gönnen.

Fasting and hiking: the ideal combination to give your body, mind and soul a real time-out.
Dates: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, dates are currently announced with some delay.
Type of fasting: We fast according to the Buchinger/Lützner method, i.e. fresh fruit and vegetable juices in the morning, a delicious fasting broth in the evening; lots of exercise in between, but also rest and leisure.

Duration: 7 days in total, always from Saturday to Saturday, starting with a relief day, ending with a build-up day.

Course of events, duration, preparation, “aftercare/companion”
We meet in the morning for “morning exercise” – light gymnastics with elements from sports, yoga, TaiChi, fitness and simply having fun moving. Then “breakfast” with a delicious, freshly prepared fruit/vegetable juice. We don’t tell you which juice exactly, you should taste it yourself. Immediately afterwards, we discuss the past day and the day ahead in a morning round. Finally, the time has come – we lace up our shoes and head out into the countryside in and around Bonn. There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes! During the walks there are always plenty of breaks for drinking fluids as well as rest and – very important – for the lemon! Who remembers what they taste like? Return in the early afternoon, now it’s time for rest. How about a nap, a liver wrap or just a good book? Around 5:30 pm we meet again for the delicious fasting broth. Again, what is it made of? There is usually a lively exchange of thoughts and recipes. After the fasting soup, the day concludes either with a nutrition lecture, a film or nice conversations.

The exact walking routes are determined each day according to the shape of the participants, the weather and individual wishes. Among others there are
• from Poppelsdorfer-Allee via Kreuzberg, Venusberg to Friesdorf
• Venusberg through the Kottenforst to Godesburg Castle
• The “Planet Walk” – always along the Rhine at 1/3 the speed of light, we get to know our 9 planets.
• On Beethoven’s tracks: the life, love and work of the great master in Bonn
• Beethoven hiking trail: our famous son of the city is said to have hiked this route too.
• Rodderberg circular route: volcanic craters, heath landscapes and geo-caches
• The crowning finale: breaking the fast on the Mount of Olives
• Visit to an organic market with shopping tips and information on the small print of foodstuffs.

Price: 390,– € incl. fasting drinks + soups, lectures, guided hike plus accommodation costs

Number of participants: min. 4, max. 12 persons

Events in 2025

Still have a question?

If you have any further questions, you can send me an e-mail or inquire directly using the contact form.


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Fasting hiking
Fasting and hiking: the ideal combination to give your body, mind and soul a real break. The body can finally use and regenerate the food stores it has accumulated over the years. The movement helps to purify the body cells and leads to a mental/emotional RESET. The aim of fasting and hiking: everything to 0, everything to the beginning, everything to new “Go again GO, draw in 4000 new thoughts and set out on a new path”.